Palmy’s monthly Philosophy night

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A  series of talks and discussions in the friendly and comfortable surroundings of The Palmerston Arms, Peterborough. Free of charge and open to all.

If you fancy a pint and some Philosophy, pop along to the Palmerston arms on Tuesday the 12th for the Palmy’s monthly Philosophy night.

Starting at 8 ish and going to 10 with a break for a refill halfway, the topic to be explored is “The miracle of the un-measurable”. If you’re wondering what that is all about, it’s those things we all know exist but can’t measure like integrity, happiness, love, beauty and consciousness. How do we deal with them and can they be fully understood?

Michel Reid - At the age of 13, Michael wanted to know what philosophy was so he went to the penguin bookshop and bought Plato’s Symposium. The contents were so shocking that he started a long journey of discovery into the fundamental questions of life. After a few decades of juggling a career in design and engineering, starting up businesses and inventing, this journey is still very much being enjoyed. Michael now runs a monthly Philosophy group at the Buttercross Tea Rooms in Central Park, Peterborough ( and in the Palmerston Arms, Oundle Road as well as weekly evening meetings.


Past Event

Palmy’s monthly Philosophy night

Tue 12 January 2016


Ends: Tue 12 January 10:00PM

Palmerston Arms



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