Dark Earth

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Eastern Angles return to Peterborough with an enthralling and evocative new theatre production. produced by a professional creative team, the cast will be made up of local performers including members of Peterborough Mask Theatre, local schools and other community organisations. Dark Earth will be staged in a special covered auditorium with full stage, sound and tiered seating in the grounds of the historic Flag Fen Archaeology Park.

A breathtaking love affair, a scheme to drain the Fens and then the discovery of mysterious body… Eastern Angles use live music, puppetry and atmospheric theatre design to show how Dutch incomers and local farmers transformed the 17th century Fenland’s. This captivating new play sets parents against children, priest against tenants and engineers against eel-trappers!



September 12th-15th and 19th-22nd

Thursday 12th 7.30pm £8 Preview

Friday 13th 7.30pm and pre show talk at 6.30pm

Saturday 14th 3.45pm

Saturday 14th 7.30pm

Sunday 15th 3.45pm

Thursday 19th 7.30pm and pre show talk at 6.30pm

Friday 20th 7.30pm

Saturday 21st 3.45pm

Saturday 21st 7.30pm

Sunday 22nd 3.45pm



Preview £8

Friday 13th-Sunday 22nd £12 (conc £10)

Vivacity Heritage Pass Holder £8

Groups 8 Plus £10 per person




Past Event

Dark Earth

Fri 13 September 2013

7:30PM See details

Ends: Sun 22 September

Flag Fen Archaeology Park


01473 211498


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