Art Lending Library – Alternative craft workshop (age 16+)
About the Art Lending Library: Created by artists Zoe Walker and Neil Bromwich, the Art Lending Library allows you to loan a piece of art work, free of charge, to show in your home, office or school. There are 50 art works available for loan from artists across the UK ranging from photographs, paintings, drawings, sculptures, poems, films and even a performance. Ten art works have been gifted to the library by artists who live or work in Peterborough.
Art lending Library activities:
Saturday 19th March, 10am – 1pm
Alternative craft workshop (age 16+)
Vikki Harold and Rose Croft of Handmade in Peterborough take us into the underworld of crafting. Forget dainty and twee, these Hades Handmaidens are calling out to the visionaries, the creatives and alternative thinkers to join them in creating something alternative, inspired by the Art Lending Library.
Both Rose and Vikki have decided to draw on the fun elements and narratives within the current pieces in the Art Lending Library, with images of robots, playing cards, dolls shoes, plastic juice cups, doodles and an undercurrent of nostalgia, it seemed fitting to focus the workshop on toys.
During the time you’ll spend with them, they’ll talk about how the role of childrens toys and collectibles has evolved over the years and how toys have become a popular and accessible form of artwork.
You’ll get to deconstruct and reshape toys within the workshop, creating a finished piece and something to take away with you.
This is a workshop but not as you know it. You don’t have to be an artist, you just need a sense of fun. Enjoying smashing things with hammers and using glue guns are an added plus point.
Book your free place by clicking here.